How Skipping Restaurant Drinks Can Help You Save For Travel
Have you considered ways to help save for a vacation?
Day to day life gets expensive and things get in the way of saving for that vacation you have been dreaming of. Instead of trying to save up money on top of normal expenditures, try to find something simple and easy to cut out. Here is one that I found easy to do:
Skip those alcoholic beverages when going out to eat.
Simply cutting out the beverages part is much easier than trying to commit to not going out to eat. For most, going out to eat is inevitable and that resolution probably won’t hold up long. Besides, going out to eat is fun and a good way to relax.
Even if we consider conservative estimates, the savings will add up quick. Say one person spends $10 in drinks (including tax and tip) going out to a restaurant once a week for a year. That’s $520. $15 in drinks once a week for a year is $780. $20 in drinks once a week for a year is $1040. Take even the lowest amount of $10 in drinks and say you average going out twice a week for a year and that’s also $1040. I’m sure you get the idea.
Now this is not going to be easy at first. The first time you are handed a drink menu or told drink specials, it will be hard to say no. But you need to remember this is not a punishment – you are doing this for yourself. Directly putting the money you saved forgoing the drinks into a vacation fund and watching it build will make it easier over time. It all just starts with making a commitment.
I have regretted spending too much money on drinks but I have never regretted spending too much money on a vacation.
Comment below on which location you would rather enjoy a beer!
Hello, I really want to first appreciate your effort in putting this great website together and writing this article. i am a person who like to take drinks and beverages while in the restaurant. i thought about an estimate of how much i would have saved by now and it is unbelievable. thank you for this post
Totally agree. I am trying to give up alcohol altogether, whether at home or in a restaurant. It is such a waste of money and we use it to wind us down, but if you don’t have to wind down very far to then lose motivation and focus. I even realised the part I was looking for the most about eating out was not the eating but the drinking alcohol. I am trying to make chilled, sparkling water my beverage of choice, as well as herbal teas. I have a carbonating machine at home so I can put bubbles into water very easily. If we cut out alcohol at home and in restaurants we could probably easily finance a vacation 🙂
This is actually quite an impressive and motivational idea to consider. Luckily, I don’t drink when I go out. In fact, I only drink water, so there I’m saving enough for my needs. My dad on the other hand drinks a lot and I don’t think he’s aware of the amount of money he could be saving if only he’d started drinking water or softer drinks. I’m showing this article to him when he comes on later tonight.
Hello, I really want to first appreciate your effort in putting this great website together and writing this article. I am trying to give up alcohol altogether, whether at home or in a restaurant. It is such a waste of money and we use it to wind us down, but if you don’t have to wind down very far to then lose motivation and focus. thank you for this post
Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .After reading your article I found that It is such a waste of money and we use it to wind us down, but if you don’t have to wind down very far to then lose motivation and focus. i am a person who like to take drinks and beverages while in the restaurant. i thought about an estimate of how much i would have saved by now and it is unbelievable. thank you for this post
I must say that this is a great deal of information! This is actually quite an impressive and motivational idea to consider. Luckily, I don’t drink when I go out or at home. Your ideas are very helpful for my husband. I will show your article to him today or tomorrow. I hope he will save much for going in trips instead of spending in such useless items. I hope his health will also improve.